Tributes to Grandmaster Han Jin Yuan
Below are some of the tributes that have been received from all over the world.
Richard Timmis - United Kingdom
I was honoured and privileged to have been a student, friend of the late Grandmaster Han Jin Yuan.
Thank you for all your amazing teachings, knowledge of Wuzuquan and Wujiquan.
Your advice, patience and understanding were really appreciated.
You are and will be, always missed, and in my thoughts.
Richard Timmis - Chief Instructor Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan
Andrew Hopkins - United Kingdom
Writing a fitting tribute to Grandmaster Han that tries to express how much he meant to us and what he gave to us is impossible. Enriching so many lives, and bringing so many people together, we were captivated by your knowledge, compassion, and dedication to martial arts. Your warmth, generosity, humour, and high standards taught us so many life lessons, to never be afraid of learning, to train hard and to respect and help each other.
For me at 14 years old Grandmaster Han was the British Team Wushu Coach, then Wushu Head Judge, then Wuzuquan Master, life coach, chef and friend, and that's still not encompassing all his many talents. If anyone outside the school asked him who he was, he'd smile & reply, “I'm just a student of martial arts”.
GM Han first asked me to help him design the British Council for Chinese Martial Badge which eventually led to designing mascots on t-shirts for competitions, certificates and finally assisting him with designing the books he wanted to write, to put down on paper some of his expert knowledge, to help instructors deepen their understanding of the Wuzuquan system.
Greater than representing my country as part of the British Wushu team I am proudest that 李連杰 Li Lian Jie's (Jet Li's) Master, Master Wu Bin had given GM Han a big smile and two thumbs up after we had demonstrated our Wushu at the Dragon Cup competition in Wolfsburg, Germany. Knowing that GM Han had been recognised for the quality of his wushu coaching ability was worth far more than any medal.
It's true, there can never be another like you. The seedlings you have patiently cared for, watered, and nurtured will endure, grow, develop, and flourish as we endeavour to continue to pass your teachings on to others.
My sincerest condolences go to the Han family, and to all that knew him and were inspired by him.
Rest my master.
Andrew Hopkins - Senior Instructor Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan
Finbar Benjamin - United States of America
Fourth-six years ago I receive my Black & White Sash from the hands of Grandmaster Han, in Notting Hill Gate, London. This was followed by other Instructor grades over the years. How do you express in a few lines your gratitude to such a skillful teacher, a caring mentor, a generous friend whose positive impact on your life has kept you disciplined, strong, courageous, and healthy since your teenage years? I will do so with two simple words - Thank you.
My sincere condolences to the Han family on the passing of Grandmaster Han.
Finbar Benjamin, Senior Instructor (Huntsville, Alabama USA)
Peter Dillon - Ireland
The end of an era, people are rightly saying. But at the moment, and in this moment, I think instead of all the beginnings given to me by Grandmaster Han.
By Kim.
The beginning of my journey in Wuzuquan, which lead to my yearly travels to Malaysia to train with Grandmaster Chee, which lead me to become a Scuba Instructor, the combination of which gave me my beginning as a stuntman in the film industry.
So many adventures in a single life time, and the single golden thread bringing it all together was, is, Grandmaster Han.
Thank you doesn't cover it, so I will continue to "Learn to teach and teach to learn".
Miss you Kim.
Peter Dillon - Senior Instructor (Ireland)
Mairtin McNamara
Nanshaolin Wuzuquan Grandmaster Kim Han Sen passed away last week. He and his legacy have left an indelible impact on my life. I just so happened to meet him on the first day of starting kung fu in college in Ireland, he was visiting from London to train the seniors, my teacher Bob got him to say a few words to us beginners. He was softly spoken, encouraged us to be patient and consistent.
That was more than 20 years ago, via his martial arts school and its daughter club in Ireland, I have made dear friends that have enriched my life to no end, people even after 20 years I still talk with, laugh with and geek out over kung fu with, people I would not have met without his passion to share the southern shaolin arts. He'll be fondly missed.
Mairtin McNamara, Wuzuquan instructor, Belgium.
Alan Scott - United Kingdom
I first met Kim at 14 years of age and was instantly thrown into a world of wonder where I would spend the majority of my formative years. His knowledge, openness and enthusiasm to develop his students into world class practitioners whether in fighting, forms or teaching was unparalleled.
I was soon training at his house several times a week, plus all weekend at various locations. When we weren't training we were performing, in fields, on stages, in theatres and film studios and at competitions. Kim opened a whole new outlook for me. One in which, with hard work, dedication and focus (not to mention the bruises), you could achieve whatever you wanted to.
I still, to this day, rely on the foundation he gave me, not only as a martial artist, but as a man and a father and will be ever grateful for his sincere generosity, compassion and kindness. All too often hidden behind his stern, demanding persona.
Through Kim I have travelled across the world, learned languages and cultures, and developed far more as a person than I could ever repay him for. Setting high goals and accepting no excuses in achieving them.
My condolences to his family, students and friends.
Alan Scott - Director
Declan Chellar - Madrid, Spain
It is no exaggeration to say that in Wuzuquan specifically, and Chinese Martial Arts generally, there will never be another Han Kim Sen.
It was my good fortune and privilege to have been Shīzǔ Han's student and to have been welcomed in his home by him and his wife, who was always kind to the many young, and later not-so-young, students who regularly took up space in her home over the decades. My deep condolences go to Mrs Han, as well as to Adrian, Karina and Alicia.
No es exagerado decir que en Wuzuquan específicamente, y en las artes marciales chinas en general, nunca habrá otro Han Kim Sen.
Fue para mí una gran fortuna y un privilegio haber sido alumno de Shīzǔ Han y haber sido recibido en su casa por él y su esposa, quien siempre fue acogedora con los muchos estudiantes jóvenes, y luego no tan jóvenes, que ocupaban regularmente un espacio en su hogar durante décadas. Mi más sentido pésame para la señora Han, así como para Adrian, Karina y Alicia.
Declan Chellar - Instructor Senior de Wuzuquan
Kixx Martial Arts Club - United Kingdom
We would like to send the deepest sympathy and condolences to his family.
He will be missed by everyone here at KIXX Martial Arts Club. His frequent courses and gradings have allowed many of the members to get to know him well. His skills, his stern side, his sense of humour and the generous, caring side of his nature. He was very highly respected for all of these reasons.
Click here to read the tribute in full
Nigel Gilham - Chief Instructor Nan Shaolin Wuzuquan | Senior Instructor Tracy Gilham
Xu Jin Dong Health Assocation - Malaysia
Abbot Shi Chang Ding - Quanzhou Shaolin Temple China
International Southern Shaolin Wuzuquan Friendship Association Quanzhou - China
Thomas Niederhauser - Switzerland
Although I was never able to meet him personally, he was a great inspiration and had a great impact on expanding my knowledge of GM Chee Kim Thong's martial arts. I will always be grateful to him for sharing his knowledge with us. It is a great loss for the whole Wuzuquan community.
My deepest condolences to his family, students, friends and to you - also on behalf of the Swiss branch of the Chee Kim Thong Association.
May he rest in peace.
Thomas Niederhauser - Swiss branch of the Chee Kim Thong Association